Contact Details & Inquiry Form
Alan and Frances Roebuck
Leny House, Callander
Perthshire, FK17 8HA
In the UK
Telephone : 01877 331 078
Facsimile : 01877 331 335
Telephone : (44) 1877 331 078
Facsimile : (44) 1877 331 335
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[email protected]
If you are interested in any of the services mentioned in these pages, or you have some comments or queries regarding them, or have any special requirements please not not hesitate to contact us or fill in the on-line form below.
First Name
Last Name
Salutation Mr. Dr. Mrs Ms
Address 1
Address 2
Post/Zip Code
Telephone Number (Work)
Telephone Number (Home)
Fax Number
E-Mail Address
How would you like to be contacted? E-Mail Fax Mail Phone

What service or services are you interested in?

? Bed and Breakfast
? Self Catering
? Other

General Query

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